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Why is my Moggie data not coming through?Updated 4 months ago

If you’re experiencing issues with your Moggie Tracker and Hub not updating regularly, don’t worry! Here are some simple troubleshooting tips to help you get everything back on track.

1. Check Your Power Supply

Make sure you’re using the official Moggie cable with a compatible wall adaptor plugged into your mains power. This ensures your Hub gets the proper power it needs to function effectively.

2. Optimize Hub Placement

Placement is key! Ensure the Hub is positioned in an area where your cat spends a lot of time—such as near their food bowl or favorite napping spot. This proximity can enhance connectivity and data updates.

3. Look for Interference

Check for any potential interference from electronic devices. Items like microwave ovens and numerous Wi-Fi connected devices can disrupt the signal between your Tracker and Hub. If possible, place the Hub in a location away from these items.

4. Assess Physical Barriers

Take a look around your space for any large physical barriers that might block the signal. Furniture like sofas, bookshelves, or cabinets can hinder communication between the Hub and Tracker. Try moving the Hub to a more open area for better reception.

5. Power Cycle the Hub

If the above steps don’t resolve the issue, try unplugging the Hub for 30 seconds and then replugging it in. This can help reset the connection and improve performance.

If your Tracker shows 'last connected' as more than 24h ago and your cat has been in frequent contact with the Hub since after checking the above, drop us a note on the contact form and we'll take a look behind the scenes for you.  

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