What kind of Wi-Fi connection do I need?Updated 2 months ago
Our Hubs are specifically designed to operate on the 2.4 GHz WiFi frequency and are not compatible with 5 GHz networks. While 2.4 GHz has a lower data capacity, it provides better range, making it ideal for smart devices like the Moggie Hub.
To connect the Hub, ensure your network allows new MAC devices. If not, you may need to manually "safelist" your Hub ID. The Hub ID is the 12-digit alphanumeric code found after "moggiebase-" in the Hub's name. This can typically be added through your router or firewall settings. If you're unsure how to do this, your internet provider can assist.
Additionally, Moggie uses AWS port 8883 for data transfer, so it’s essential to ensure this port is unblocked for proper functionality.
See also:
How do I safelist my MAC address?