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Using Moggie

Best practices for the optimal Moggie experience

How long does the Tracker Battery last?

Your Moggie Tracker should take around ~2 hours to fully charge, and it should then last for about 1 month of use - depending on how active your cat is this may vary, of course! 😼. To help you plan the opportune charging moment, you will receive not

How do I use the Home page?

The app's Home page gives you:. These will all change depending on the cat, which can be selected from the name in the top left corner. It also features Tips to discover and the option to sign up for a Vet care feature that we're developing (stay tun

How do I use the Health page?

When you have a Moggie Activity Tracker connected, the Health dashboard shows your cat's activity levels for the day so far, and will keep updating as more data is transferred throughout the day (depending on the Tracker-Hub connection rate). You can

How do I use the Chat?

The Chat feature allows you to consult whatever you'd like to know about cat care, whether asking our veterinary-style assistant, or by chatting to your cat (an AI version at least)! 😸  Just say 'vet' or 'cat' to change options. It uses your cat's p

How do I use the Reminders?

Having trouble remembering to clip your kitty's nails? Or when the next vaccine is due from the vet?. The Reminders page lets you choose from a series of recommended cat-care options or customise your own to create the tasklist you need, and stay on

How do I change my cat's Profile info?

You can edit the information on your cat's profile at any point, by selecting their photo in the bottom-right hand icon of the menu. On their profile, you can see:. Just tap any item to edit it and keep it up-to-date. You can also use the export butt

How do I use the app's main menu?

From the 'hamburger' menu icon (3 parallel lines in the top-right hand corner), you can access:

How do I track my cat's weight using Moggie?

Moggie does not automatically track your cat's weight, but you can use the log function on their Profile page to jot down their weight, and keep adding new entries to see how it changes over time. You can change your unit preference via the Menu, in

What subscription options are available?

If you don't have an Activity Tracker installed, you can still use the Moggie app for free, and you'll see a demo of the Health page where your activity data would be. You will be limited to sending 10 messages per month in the Chat, unless you buy a

How do I contact Moggie?

There are several ways to get in touch with us:.

Where can I purchase more Moggie devices?

If you've got a new cat to expand your clowder, or you've changed your home setup, just head on over to the web and you can purchase:. And if you have an idea for a product or service to make Moggie even better, feel free to send us a suggestion at s